制作openstack windows xp镜像

int32位 posted @ May 29, 2014 10:42:13 AM in openstack , 7368 阅读




kvm-img create -f qcow2 xp.qcow2 10G

安装xp到创建的虚拟盘中,有些教程说要加载软驱 virtio-win-xx.vfd和virtio驱动,实际上xp不需要,稍后我们再装!

kvm -m 1024 -cdrom xp.iso -drive file=xp.qcow2 -fda  -boot d


kvm -hda xp.qcow2 \
    -drive file=xp.qcow2,if=virtio \
    -drive file=virtio-win-0.1-30.iso,media=cdrom,index=1 \
    -net nic,model=virtio \
    -net user \
    -boot d \
    -vga std \
    -m 1024



glance image-create --name xp --container-format=ovf --disk-format=qcow2 -file xp.qcow2 --progress






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ep 说:
2014年10月14日 15:40

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Emma 说:
2023年1月25日 18:51

Creating a Windows XP image in OpenStack is an excellent idea to get the most out of the platform. It will provide users with the opportunity to run their favorite real estate expert Woodland Park Windows XP applications in a secure and reliable environment. This will help to reduce costs and improve efficiency for those who need access to older applications. With OpenStack, users can now be sure that their Windows XP applications are running in a secure and reliable environment.

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